1/16/19 – Justin Aulis Long, Tyrel Williams, Siobhan Aluvalot


(Hugo Ball Chicago)

(Secret Studio, Housepitality SF)


(Gayface, Vice)

Chicago native Justin Aulis Long discovered his fascination for uncanny music at an early age when his mother entrusted him with her record collection that spanned from punk rock to American dance. This right of musical passage served as a gateway, stimulating his journey into an uncanny sonic vortex. At the age of 14 Aulis found himself at the threshold of Medusas, a ritualistic space that held service weekly for all the mutant kids that traveled outside of the status quo. Shortly after, Long purchased a set of belt drive turntables, and a crate of acid house records from a classmate. This was the beginning of a long lasting experiment with the language of sound.

Together with Eris Drew, Sevron, and Sold, Justin is a founding member of the Dada influenced Hugo Ball gatherings that takes place at Chicago’s Smartbar.

–As usual —

Free champagne from 9pm-10pm.
As always, free with RSVP before 10pm on our site housepitalitysf.com
Or get a $5 presale ticket here.